Sunday, February 11, 2007

I'm A Good Mom

I'm a good Mom. I've always believed I was but recently someone told me, and it felt really great to hear. I'm not your typical Mom and my beloved is not your typical offspring. My baby is a black Labrador Retriever, named Coal. He was gifted to me by Barney as a wedding present. He is beautiful, and smart, and funny, and sly. He is special to me in every way, and he is especially different in one way. He has eilepsy. I do for him what any Mom does and I fight for him in every way and make sure he has the best of what he needs and wants. The irony is that allegedy there was concern that I would end up being epileptic, but instead it is my sweet boy dog who is afflicted, and not I. The universe is funny that way.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

you ARE a good mom Betty! Coal found YOU and I think for a reason. He knew you'd take such good care of him. But the irony is that he takes care of you too ;)