Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today being the last day of October means that tomorrow some folks will be doing the NaBloPoMo thing. Will I count myself among them? Oh hell no! But I will do my best to support & encourage those who do choose to self inflict.

All Hallows' Eve

Well, it is done for another year. Hallowe'en in the suburbs came and went rather quietly this year. Oh, there were still fire crackers & teenagers haunting the streets, but overall, quieter than usual. Only 33 kids this year, which is considerably down from years past. Maybe it is a dying tradition.

Things at the house were a little lower key this year too. I am just not motivated to go all out, and so there were decorations, but less.

Highlites of the night included;

- A wee vampire who hollered "Tricker Treat" at my door in lieu of knocking on it. Good thing he was loud!
- The lady who commented on the more elaborate display from year, which let me know that the effort had been appreciated, even if it took a year to find out.
- The tiny skeleton who sauntered up to the door, pop can in one had and the other outstretched, reaching for whatever I might be giving out. I could imagine his teenaged self sauntering about the streets with a beer can in one hand and the other...well, you get the idea.
- The group of good natured teenagers who I called "big trick or treaters" and who humourously corrected me by saying they were not big, just experienced. :)
- And lastly, a boy wearing an Afro wig who informed me that he was Michael Jackson, and did proceed to enthusiastically bust a move when I asked him to dance for me. Said he never could get the hang of that moon walking!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Think I Have Lost It

Either I have already lost it or I am about to. I just do not have anger these days. It is gone. Replaced by...? Well, I am not really sure. I just know I do not have it in me to rage about the road. Passionless about it, really.

Might have to start posting about everyday life in here. Gah! The drivel that might flow if I just let my fingers go. And, now I am rhyming. Lovely.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Special Things

I recently dug out an old box of memories. I originally went looking for my high school annuals, but I found so much more.

My Mom saved some hair from my first haircut and put it in an envelope for me. My Dad did the same with the first tooth I lost. I found both of those envelopes in the box of special things.

I also found quite a few handwritten letters. These go back some 20+ years, before we used electronic means to communicate. I love that I still have them. They are indeed special things and important to save. Seeing these letters made me want to write. Something I have not done for quite some time, actually. I used to do it a lot. Mostly letters to people, but also sometime just letting the thoughts flood out of my head and onto the paper, for no one to see but me. Those letters, the last ones, contain only the truest of content. If after writing one of those you give it to someone to read you will know what it is to truly bare your soul. Powerful stuff.

In the box of special things I also found several books from my childhood; nursery rhymes & favourite stories. A joy to discover, really.

It has been an odd year and I find myself looking backward more so than forward.

Someone recently reminded me to dream. That it is what we are supposed to do. Somewhere along the way I forgot that. It was an important reminder, and I am glad to have been given it.