Saturday, November 18, 2006

You STUPID bitch!

On my drive in to work this morning I noticed a car behind me that was way too close. So close that I could not see its headlights. So close that their only view was up my tailpipe. Whatever. The only way to fix it would have been to slam on my brakes, have them hit me, and then there’s paperwork and inconvenience, etc. So I let it go. Maybe I shouldn’t have.

Our lane merged onto another street, with two lanes. We both swung over to the left lane. There was one vehicle ahead of me…plus one crosswalk & one pedestrian. The roads were wet. I saw the pedestrian before I saw the vehicle ahead of me brake, so I applied my brakes and slowed to allow him, the pedestrian, to finish crossing the street. The guy ahead of me saw him too and stopped. This all happened very quickly. Too quickly for the STUPID bitch who had her nose up my tailpipe, to stop. After skidding and swerving behind me the STUPID bitch decided to deek to the right to avoid my ass end, and carry on through the crosswalk. OMFG! If not for the fact that the pedestrian had already partially crossed the road, he surely would have been killed!

I seriously (like really seriously) considered pursuing the STUPID bitch so I could tell her exactly what I thought of her. I decided against it because, at best, it would have ended with me kicking the shit out of her and her car.

I hope Karma looks after this STUPID bitch, and quickly. In the meantime, I’ll be keeping an eye out for her myself.


Andrea said...

Seen this far too many times too. You better have laid on the horn for a long fucking time.

Kazzy said...

You gotta believe in karma. Karma works in strange and often wonderful ways.

Betty said...

Don't forget swift. Sometimes Karma is incredibly quick! ;)