Sunday, November 12, 2006

Snarky Little Bitches!

Today was the day for snarky little bitches. I'm not sure if it's the season or just that the Retail workforce is rife with them, but man they were out in force today!

In one department store I sought out a "Sales Associate", (read 16-year old kid) to bring something down from the top shelf. I had already checked the lower shelves for the size I sought, and it was not there. I had also spied the stepladder and considered just using it to get the item myself, but decided against it. Stupid me. Anyway, I found the Associate, told her I had searched the lower shelves for said item, it wasn't there, and asked her to please bring one down from way above.

She then proceeded to check the very shelving I had just checked and said I had checked. I advised her that she was now double checking, to which she replied, "yeah, but I saw one here yesterday....". What the hell was that? Hello? Child, I just told you it wasn't there! Weren't you listening? *smack*

My second little darling was a cashier's helper at a warehouse store, who had not one ounce of friendliness about her and barked out orders like a sergeant. Who the hell do you think you are, Princess? Piss off you little cow!

I had left a large item in my cart, and I had also left down the shelf (where you'd seat a kid). I use the shelf. I like it to be left down. I wish everyone would quit fucking with my shelf. Anyway, she slammed that puppy shut, glared at me, shoved the large item to the back of my cart and threw the rest of my items haphazardly into the cart. Hmph!

If you know me you'll know that this is not the type of shit I just sit back and take. Once I was done my transaction I removed the items from my cart, shoved the large item to the front of my cart, slammed the shelf back into position and reloaded my cart, all the while glaring at the snarky little cow. Hmph!

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