Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lots O Thoughts

So many thoughts, so little blogging time. December is an absurdly busy month all by itself, but add to that the fact that I work in the transportation industry, and it just multiplies into its very own special kind of hell insanity. I've worked over 30 hours so far this week and I've only put 3 days in. My Christmas shopping was done last week so my evenings this week have been consumed with wrapping & preparing to ship gifts. Today I sent out 8 packages to 4 different locations in 2 different countries. I also arranged a Christmas luncheon for myself and 79 of my closest co-workers, and that took up a good chunk of my day.

I've had lots I wanted to say and I quite simply haven't had the time to put the thoughts onto the keyboard. The many topics include, but are not limited to; bad drivers (no shit eh?), Christmas shopping crazies, more assholes & their shopping carts, the things I know that apparently nobody else does (more on this later if I fucking remember), rock concerts & old ladies, life lessons & unbelievable actions & inaction of those around me. I swear, it's all good shit, but its now all jumbled in my head and therefore undecipherable, even to me. *sigh*

2 more days of work and I'll be on vacation for the better part of 2 weeks. Hallefreakinglujah! Until after we get back from visiting the 'rents I shall likely not have another fucking chance opportunity to share my thoughts. Betty, out!

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