Was tagged by Jen and I'm a willing spirit, so here goes...
(x) Been to Canada - Lived here all my life.
(x) Been to Mexico - Yep, twice. Cabo San Lucas before the touristas found it, and Mazatlan...in the previous century.
(x) Been to Florida - Yep, Ft. Lauderdale in my 20's. What happens in Florida, stays in Florida.
(x) Been on a plane - Many times, and I love flying. I'm the offspring of an airline employee and have done silly things such as go to Hawaii just for the weekend.
(x) Been lost - Yeah
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country - Been as far a La Belle Provence thus far, but would like to go all the way east.
(x) Swam in the ocean - Yep, several actually.
(x) Cried yourself to sleep - On very rare occasions.
(x) Played cops and robbers - Nope
(x) Played with a Tonka Truck - Yep
( ) Recently colored with crayons - No recent crayon action.
(x) Sang karaoke - Once, many moons ago at a company Christmas party...never again.
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins - Sure, back in my drive-thru days - those twoonies add up fast!
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? - Yep, never say never because things change.
(x) Made prank phone calls - As a kid, yeah.
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes
(x) Danced in the rain - Danced & jumped in the puddles too.
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus - Must have, right?
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe - Yep
(x) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about - Yep
(x) Blown bubbles - Yes!
(x) Made a bonfire on the beach - Sure
(x) Crashed a party - Yeah
( ) Crashed a wedding - Uhhh, nope.
( ) Crashed a funeral - No, that would be in very poor taste.
(x) Gone ice-skating - Yes, when I was little. Never very good at it as my ankles just do not cooperate.
1. Any nicknames? Piat, Tishy, Giggy, various terms of endearment (honeybunch, sweetie, baby)
2. Mother’s name? Shirley
3. Favorite drink? Bellini
4. Any tattoos? Nada
5 Body piercing? only my ears. (6 holes)
6. How much do you love your job? I like the work, but it is time for change.
7. Favorite vacation spot? Beach, sun, sand, room service.
8. Ever been to Africa? No, but making plans to go.
9. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Nah
10. Ever been on TV? Yes
11. Ever steal any traffic signs? Oh yeah, I have liberated my share.
12. Ever been in a car accident? Several
13. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? Currently 4-door, previous was 2-door.
14. Favorite pie? Pumpkin!
15. Favorite Number? 6
16. Favorite movie? No one fav, but I like The Shawshank Redemption.
17. Favorite holiday? Christmas
18. Favorite dessert? Cream puffs are pretty damn good.
19. Favorite food? Seafood or maybe a good steak . Oh, and I have recently been reminded of the yumminess of Cheddar Bay Biscuits! OMG!
20. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
21. Favorite brand of body wash? Don't have one. Doesn't mean I don't wash, just means I use bar soap.
22. Favorite toothpaste? Crest Whitening
23. Favorite smell? Tough call but I like it just after it has rained.
24. What do you do to relax? Nap
25. Do you have a message to your friends reading this? Send money!
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Ideally I'll be traveling the world and having adventures.
27. Furthest place you will send this message? Maybe Australia. Depends what freaky kind of google searches land people here.
28. Who will respond the fastest? Maybe a stranger, somewhere. If you do it post a link so I can see it, k?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
I am not, generally speaking, a girly girl. I'm not dainty & frilly and I don't obsess on my appearance all that much.
Yesterday, however, I spent the better part of 4 hours at the spa. Facial, manicure & pedicure. All divine. Pretty much a heavenly way to spend an evening.
Maybe I am girlier than I thought...
Yesterday, however, I spent the better part of 4 hours at the spa. Facial, manicure & pedicure. All divine. Pretty much a heavenly way to spend an evening.
Maybe I am girlier than I thought...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
More Than 100
Ok, so I did the 100 Things thing, and I actually had an easy time of it. I'm now thinking of other things I could add and am wondering if perhaps my 100 Things will morph, over time, into 122 Things, or perhaps even 147 things. Pondering my additions, I am.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Demise of the Twist Tie
Not sure if you have noticed or not, but there is a decided lack of twist ties in the world these days. With the advent of the tie top garbage bags, not to mention Zipl0c baggies, there is little need for the good 'ol twist tie.
This comes to mind because I actually found myself in need of one, and alas, nary a one could be found. Aside from the fact that there are less and less of these things in the world, it does not help matters that I cannot keep my hands on them when I do find one. You would think me knowing they were a rare commodity would help, but nay.
I take the twist tie off of whatever I am opening, and damn if the thing doesn't pull a Houdini and disappear. I swear, I open a bag on the counter, put the tie down on the counter beside the bag and when I go to close it the damn tie has disappeared into the counter top. Same damn thing happens with me and those little bread bag closer dealies. What the hell? Is it just me?
This comes to mind because I actually found myself in need of one, and alas, nary a one could be found. Aside from the fact that there are less and less of these things in the world, it does not help matters that I cannot keep my hands on them when I do find one. You would think me knowing they were a rare commodity would help, but nay.
I take the twist tie off of whatever I am opening, and damn if the thing doesn't pull a Houdini and disappear. I swear, I open a bag on the counter, put the tie down on the counter beside the bag and when I go to close it the damn tie has disappeared into the counter top. Same damn thing happens with me and those little bread bag closer dealies. What the hell? Is it just me?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I Am Who I Was
According to my Kindergarten teacher, this is who I was at age 5.
Betty is a capable, observant child - she can work on her own or with a group equally well. Her decisions are mature and logical and she expresses her ideas well, both verbally and in her art work. Coming along beautifully!
Betty's clear logical thinking is delightful to work with. She often has a solution to problems that come up. Her quiet manner and sense of humour have soothed troubled waters many a time - she is also learning to be firm in her place in the group and to assert her "rights". She is selecting interesting friends from both boys and girls and particularly enjoys the more individualistic personalities.
I think it is very cool that I am today, very much the person I was at age five. I like that.
Betty is a capable, observant child - she can work on her own or with a group equally well. Her decisions are mature and logical and she expresses her ideas well, both verbally and in her art work. Coming along beautifully!
Betty's clear logical thinking is delightful to work with. She often has a solution to problems that come up. Her quiet manner and sense of humour have soothed troubled waters many a time - she is also learning to be firm in her place in the group and to assert her "rights". She is selecting interesting friends from both boys and girls and particularly enjoys the more individualistic personalities.
I think it is very cool that I am today, very much the person I was at age five. I like that.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Sound of Music
I have recently rediscovered the joy of music. Our home stereo has been disconnected for quite some time (don't ask), and so aside from my vehicle I really don't listen to it anywhere. That all changed recently.
Recently on TV I keep hearing really cool songs. Song I have long forgotten about. Once I figure out what the song is I download it and eventually I have enough to burn onto a CD. Really quite cool to rediscover these tunes. Not all of them are one hit wonders, but some are obscure and not in line with my usual genres so I feel lucky to find them.
Add that to the fact I also recently received an MP3 player and it would be fair to say that there is always a tune in my head these days. I like that.
Recently on TV I keep hearing really cool songs. Song I have long forgotten about. Once I figure out what the song is I download it and eventually I have enough to burn onto a CD. Really quite cool to rediscover these tunes. Not all of them are one hit wonders, but some are obscure and not in line with my usual genres so I feel lucky to find them.
Add that to the fact I also recently received an MP3 player and it would be fair to say that there is always a tune in my head these days. I like that.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The Impossible (updated)
I am seeking the impossible. I must be, for I have searched high & low with no luck, and I am a skilled searcher. I want a pair of non-patent, black, peep toe, stacked high heels, and I'm not just talking CFM shoes, because I want to actually be able to walk in them too. Not far, mind you, but walk, nonetheless.
I don't think I am asking a lot. I can find 3 out of the 4 but not a full pull. If you have seen these impossible shoes, please let me know where.
Ok, so today I found pretty much the shoe I described above...however they were matronly. I want sexy shoes, not matronly shoes.
Off to try Kazzy's suggested site. Looks awesome!
Ok, so I found 3 pairs that I like, but still not 100% what I am after. The first two are good, and the last pair would be perfect, if they were 100% leather and 0% polka dots. Off to do some more searching.

I don't think I am asking a lot. I can find 3 out of the 4 but not a full pull. If you have seen these impossible shoes, please let me know where.
Ok, so today I found pretty much the shoe I described above...however they were matronly. I want sexy shoes, not matronly shoes.
Off to try Kazzy's suggested site. Looks awesome!
Ok, so I found 3 pairs that I like, but still not 100% what I am after. The first two are good, and the last pair would be perfect, if they were 100% leather and 0% polka dots. Off to do some more searching.

Saturday, November 03, 2007
If you don't care to hear about boobs, then stop reading now. For the record, there will be no pictures.
Does anybody like bra shopping? Maybe some 36B chick somewhere has fun shopping for pretty little decorative items, but seriously, for me it is no fun. I have a rack that needs support, and that is not easy to find. No two fit alike, many are ugly or huge (in terms of coverage) and most are expensive. It is just not a fun time. Ranks right up there with shopping for jeans and bathing suits.
Sometimes being a girl sucks.
Does anybody like bra shopping? Maybe some 36B chick somewhere has fun shopping for pretty little decorative items, but seriously, for me it is no fun. I have a rack that needs support, and that is not easy to find. No two fit alike, many are ugly or huge (in terms of coverage) and most are expensive. It is just not a fun time. Ranks right up there with shopping for jeans and bathing suits.
Sometimes being a girl sucks.
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