Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Demise of the Twist Tie

Not sure if you have noticed or not, but there is a decided lack of twist ties in the world these days. With the advent of the tie top garbage bags, not to mention Zipl0c baggies, there is little need for the good 'ol twist tie.

This comes to mind because I actually found myself in need of one, and alas, nary a one could be found. Aside from the fact that there are less and less of these things in the world, it does not help matters that I cannot keep my hands on them when I do find one. You would think me knowing they were a rare commodity would help, but nay.

I take the twist tie off of whatever I am opening, and damn if the thing doesn't pull a Houdini and disappear. I swear, I open a bag on the counter, put the tie down on the counter beside the bag and when I go to close it the damn tie has disappeared into the counter top. Same damn thing happens with me and those little bread bag closer dealies. What the hell? Is it just me?

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