Thursday, September 07, 2006

School's Back In

Doesn't mean as much as it did when I was actually in school, but I do notice it. It inconveniences me. More bodies milling about, more morons on the road, those who wouldn't "normally" venture out do, and they are clueless. Hopefully everyone will settle the hell down in the next few weeks and my commute can get back to normal.

Have you noticed the skirts of private school girls? What the hell is up with the skirts? I know the stereotypical male fantasy about the school girl costume, but I'll be damned if the real thing isn't almost pornographic. And you know what? If you're an adult and you want to wear crotch revealing skirts...well, then I guess that's your prerogative, but I'm talking about girls. 12 & 13 years old. Hell, it would be wrong at 17 years old, but I digress.

Why the hell don't the parents or someone at the schools take a look at the uniforms and realize that these children are walking about advertising their goods? Eye catching indeed.

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