Monday, September 11, 2006


This morning I arrived at work a little bit early, as is the norm since school went back in and I need to leave earlier to beat avoid the masses. I was in the parking lot reading my newspaper when a vehicle parked beside me. I made note that it was the Sales manager and resumed reading my paper.

He got out of his SUV and closed the front door. He then went to the driver’s side rear door and opened it, presumably to get his briefcase etc. That was when I felt it. *tap*

I stopped reading and asked myself, “Did he just hit my vehicle with his door?” I looked in my sideview mirror and it sure looked like his door was touching my door. Buuuuut, then discounted it, because surely he saw me sitting in my vehicle and would not do such a thing while I was right there, and maybe it was just my imagination. And then it happened again. *tap*

Ok, now I knew it had happened, twice in fact, and the question now became, do I have that most uncomfortable conversation and call him out on it, or do I play it safe and let it go.

Fuck it! This is the kind of shit that usually happens with no witnesses and you, like I, usually return to find your door dented or some paint scrape left by an inconsiderate knob.

So….after another second of consideration I opened my rear passenger window, greeted him and asked him to please not hit my vehicle with his door.

He said “I didn’t”.

I said “You did…twice…and I felt it”.

He said, shaking his head all the while, “Then I’m sorry. I made an effort not to”, in a tone that suggested it was better to just say sorry than argue. Clearly he did not think he had hit me in the slightest.

Honestly, it was not the level of contact that would likely result in body or paint damage, but it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

This is the kind of thing that I would probably have just let slide in the past. And considering just how uncomfortable it has potentially now made my working relationship with this person, maybe that’s just what I should have done. But I’m just not that person anymore.


Kazzy said...

Good for you - standing up and actually saying something in a situation like that is HARD. It may make things uncomfortable, but it may also save your car a few dings too! Plus it could also be a wake up call to someone like that that they should pay a little more attention.. that whole karma circle thing.

In the last 5 years, or maybe it has only been the last year I have been trying to not be a door mat and just let things happen. I think that is what happens to a certain kind of woman - you reach the point where you do stand up and say something. You become one of those blunt and honest people that isn't always easy to be around but people appreciate the fact that what you see is what you get and they love you for it.

Betty said...

Thanks K. I'm trying to strike the right balance, and yeah, sometimes it isn't easy.